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    Making music
    06.03.2010, 07:59

    Time:         twenty minute


    Lead-in:   Keep students in a circle. Explain to them that they have listened to the sounds of nature. They will now try to imitate the sounds.


    Procedures:       To start their creativity flowing, show students how to imitate a rainstorm. Have everyone sit cross-legged. Explain that in order for the activity to work, each person must do his or her own part in the proper order.

                    Start by snapping the fingers of one hand. As soon as you state, the person on your right should start, and so on around the circle. When everyone is snapping with both hands, and then clapping hands, slapping one thing, slapping both thighs, storming feet. To have the storm pass over, reverse the order.

    Now encourage students to make their own instruments using objects they find on the ground. Caution them not to pick anything that is alive. "Instruments” can be sticks hitting together, two stones, a stick used as a flute or whistle, etc.

    Try to create the rainstorm the rainstorm using their new instruments. How about the sound of the wind blowing in the trees? A leaf gentry falling? Birds singing in spring? (Explain that they should not just make noise, but use their instruments to respond to what the other instruments are saying. Practice by letting one person make a sound and letting another respond to it.)


    Wrap-up:          When drawings are finished, ask each student to explain how his or her cycle drawing began and how it changed.

    Category: My files | Added by: gornostay
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